Thursday 12 January 2012

#375 - Graduation

I have deleted the contents of this post and retyped them numerous times. Simply because, I am unable to condense my 9 years of being in Cempaka into one idiotically simple blog post.

I woke up that morning, reluctant to get out of bed, more so than usual. The prospect of graduating from high school hadn't quite hit me, but it wasn't something I was looking forward to. Even after I had got to class and settled in my seat, everything felt normal. It was another typical school day. The teachers let us go about our own things, so I was just alternating between Science 1 and Science 2, snapping photos. No one talked about being sad, no one talked about crying.

We went up to the hall for the ceremony. No tears. The valedictorian's gave their speeches. No sad faces. The rest of the ceremony went by in a sort of humdrum, what with so many names being called out and the continuous, incessant clapping. Didn't expect there to be a presentation on Cempaka Connect as well... Kinda wished that they didn't take up our testimonial day time to announce that piece of information but... Whatever.

The highlight of the entire ceremony was the screening of the iMovies! Especially the stop motion one! I was really looking forward to watching it, simply because it was a last minute effort and despite that, it turned out pretty good. Well, according to Ainura at least. That and I have an obsession with stop motion clips. So yea, the video was played, and it was pretty damn good for a movie that was recorded and edited in the span of a day. Heck, it was friggin awesome. Not gonna be uploading it though. :P It is WAY too big. Anyway, the clip wasn't that sad [the stop-motion one] because we were all doing stupid things in the movie. Swapping uniforms was the best part of the day, hands down! All the prefects became normal people and all the normal people became prefects! Ah, high school traditions...

I'll miss high school. I'll miss the people there, the classes, not so much... There's something just so odd about not seeing the same faces everyday, about not going through the daily motions in a fixed routine. I'm not sure how to end this post. To stop here would feel abrupt. Then again... endings always are.

To new beginnings.
