Sunday 19 June 2011

#370 - Happy Dad's Day!

Happy Dad's Day to all the dad's out there, including my own!

Sis and I printed out a poem that we framed up and decorated. Why? Because handmade gifts are awesome. Word.

So despite the happy tone that this post brings, I'd just like to say one thing.

Trials are most probably on September 5th.

Which means there are exactly 11 weeks left.

Which means there are 77 days left to cover everything and master everything.

Which means there are 1848 more hours of living before judgement day.

I say judgement day because trials [as some of you may know] is when us Form 5's get the results that we will use to apply for college. So basically, if I don't get a MINIMUM of 6 B's for Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Addmaths, Maths and English, I'll just have to shred my hopes of going to Melbourne for college. Ha. Ha No big deal right?


Well, it's half-half actually. I want to go overseas soon, but even if I don't get to go there for college, I can still go there for university. But still...

So I suppose I'll be blogging even less now. Ha. Ha.

See you on the other side! You know, provided I make it to the other side. Unscathed, unharmed...

Also for some reason, some of my One Direction GIFS have sped up :( Don't know why or how. Sigh sigh :(

Nevertheless, I AM looking forward to college, despite what some people say about college being worse, I still think college is something to look forward to. I'll miss high school though. Best memories of my life. :(

Everyone will probably feel that rush of nostalgia during the Big Splash. I know I will.

Whatever it is, my main focus now is trials. Trials, trials, trials, trials, trials. Maybe if I say the word enough, it'll lose it's meaning. Ha. Ha.

I also suppose I won't be writing anytime soon. :(

Yes, I REVEL in creating something new. Feeling that rush of satisfaction when one has completed something one is proud of. Weaving together words to form a work of art. Or in my case, a poorly painted rip-off of one of Van Gogh's works. Hah. No, not Van Gogh. Maybe a lesser known artist.


